I was first introduced to mate from my husband who is from Argentina. Most people in Argentina drink yerba mate from a bombilla, or a gourd, just like the one here from TiendaJosephineh’s Etsy Shop.
Mate has a very earthy taste and sugar is commonly added. I personally add Northland Juice or any 100% juice and make it into an iced tea.
Mate has many benefits including increase in energy because of the variety of B vitamins as well as essential minerals: calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
Most mornings I will switch out my coffee for tea, I have found the mate to be very calming and I don’t experience gitters or sweaty palms, which are common after I drink a cup of coffee or two.
There are a lot of fun different ways to drink mate. Some people prefer the traditional way and others like to add different ingredients into their mate.
Related article: Top 7 Ingredients To Add To Your Mate
Our friends Samuel and Audrey created a great, fun video on mate preparation in Argentina. View their video below: