Home Holidays New Year’s Resolutions: The Pressure of Getting it Together

New Year’s Resolutions: The Pressure of Getting it Together

New Years Resolution Gather Mindfulness

New Year’s Resolutions: The pressure of getting it together.

As a society there is always a collective sigh when the holidays are over. From worrying about finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, to explaining to your grandma why you are still single this year, We can all agree that the holidays are stressful. Every year, the holiday season passes by in the blink of an eye. We are all left in January eager for the year ahead, with a list of things we want to accomplish. Often, many of us do not follow through on our list of resolutions. Here at Gather Mindfulness, we want you to achieve your goals!

Life moves fast, we get it. From stressing about the perfect stuffing for thanksgiving dinner, to what to get your mom for Christmas, to where to take your special someone for valentines day, The months on the cusp of a new year often leave little time for yourself. While new years resolutions are always set with good intentions, unfortunately as humans when we get busy or overwhelmed, the first thing we neglect is our wellbeing, mentally and physically. Gather Mindfulness urges you to be the best version of yourself.

Set goals for your resolutions, realistic ones.

It has been proven time and time again, that setting smaller goals and checkpoints in order to achieve a larger goal is a healthy way to keep yourself on track and motivated. Be sure to give yourself enough time to complete those goals, and do not be afraid to readjust deadlines if life gets hectic. By giving yourself a healthy and realistic goals with adequate time to complete them, you are setting yourself up for a high rate of success.

Take frequent breaks.

Burnout is a state of exhaustion that will undermine your efforts to achieve your goals. There is such a thing as working too hard. Without taking necessary breaks, you will over exert yourself, which in turn will cause you to be tired and unmotivated. This type of exhaustion will often affect your physical health just as much as your mental health. Taking healthy breaks and pacing yourself will keep you on track to achieve your goals in the long run.

Celebrate your achievements.

It is important to acknowledge hard work. Even if you feel that the milestone is minute, recognize that you are one step closer to your goals! Enjoy the feeling of achievement. Recognizing progress will keep you on track and motivated towards your goals. Here at Gather Mindfulness we encourage you to be the best version of yourself!


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