4 Ways To Integrate Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine
The term self-care gets thrown around a lot in the mental health community. While self-care techniques are not a cure-all for anxiety, taking steps to show importance for yourself is crucial. Self-care gives time for yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed and should be easy to integrate into your everyday life. One thing I do as part of my self-care is always make breakfast for myself. It may seem like a small thing to do, but it’s important because it’s me saying to myself, “Yes, I am worth the time to make a nutritious meal for myself, I am important”. I think a lot of us get so caught up in our work day that we dismiss little things and tell ourselves we don’t need them. When in reality, those little things add up, and soon we’re a grumpy, anxiety-ridden mess because we haven’t taken the time to take care of ourselves. Below I’m going to list the top 4 things you can do to easily integrate self-care into your daily routine.
1. Wake Up Early & Plan Your Tasks For The Day
When we give ourselves enough time in the morning to prepare for the day, we have more of an advantage over stress. In the morning, like I mentioned above, I always make myself breakfast followed by a nice cup of black tea with honey. I take my time with breakfast and make sure I’m not sitting in front of my computer as that will make me want to turn it on, get right to work, and really makes my morning experience less personal. After my breakfast I like to write out what I need to get done during the day. I try to get the unappealing tasks out of the way first, then make my way down my list. If I don’t get everything done on my list, that’s okay because there is always tomorrow.
Related article: Before Your Morning Shower Exercise Routine
2. Hold Yourself Accountable
Even if you put off tasks for the next day, that is totally understandable and sometimes we need to have a break. If you get a couple things checked off from your list, it will take more pressure off your mind and lessen your anxiety. Do not let yourself fall victim to anxiety, take some control back.
3. Be Social!
Socializing can be hard, anxiety comes into play, even if you are an extrovert or an introvert, it can be tough sometimes. Challenge yourself to socialize with others or even plan to take yourself to lunch! Talk with positive people and don’t let the negativity get you down. Cutting the toxic aspects or people out of your life can be worth it for your own happiness.
Another great article about self-care is one I read from Living Like Leila called ‘How To Practice Self-Care Daily’
4. Keep Organized And Focused
Making lists in your phone notes, calendar, physical calendar, or a piece of paper will keep you organized and focused. Figure out what is the best strategy for you to keep up with your lists. If you get in the habit of writing things down, you’re more likely to remember and complete that task. I will usually need to jot something down to remember it, but sometimes I write my notes in multiple places, which is probably something you want to avoid. Try to be organized with yourself and use just one app, one notebook, or one calendar to consolidate your notes.